Questions for {{facilityname}} visitors
{{facaddr}} {{facaddrCity}} {{facaddrState}} {{facaddrZpcde}}

This response needs to be evaluated to determine the final outcome to allow/deny entry
This response is not necessary to determine the final outcome for entry/denial

New question type:

Yes or No Question
Multiple choice question with single answer
Multiple choice question with multiple answers - Informational only, Not Validated for Entry
Fill in text answer question - Informational only, Not Validated for Entry
Fill in temperature question
Does this effect entry?
Select answer for question
Answer Choices
Answer Choices
User has a text area to fill in like below:
Enter maximum temperature (e.g. 100). Visitors will be rejected if temperature is above this number

Message when entry is Allowed (On Success)

Message when entry is Denied (On Denial)
Send an email when entry is denied
Exisiting emails:
Apply to all facilities